Category: Linux

Virtual Dovecot Users

I run dovecot on a VPS for remote IMAP access, with postfix as the underlying mail server. Originally, it handled mail for just one of

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Adventures in Migrating!

Back in early August the new owners of my long-term hosting service, Webfaction, told me they were “unable” to migrate my account to their new

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Doing a Little Samba

I ran into some interesting problems getting Samba to work on my Raspberry Pi and be discoverable under Windows 10. This article summarizes how I

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VPN Adventures: Tunneling

Disclaimer: I know relatively little about networking under Linux, so don’t be surprised if some of what’s here is flat out wrong. Then again, that’s

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End of an Era: Part 1

Sometime in the late 90s I decided to learn enough about Linux to wire my house to the internet and run my own email server.

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