XKCD Forever!

If you haven’t checked out www.xkcd.com, well, why haven’t you? Even if math wasn’t your forte, and computers are mysterious, you’ll still find a lot…

Now That’s a Printer Driver!

So I’m in Costco shopping for ink cartridges for my old HP 5550 inkjet and I discover that buying a brand new wireless HP inkjet…

So That’s What Open Collector Means!

I’m making progress on my aquarium controller project, but boy is it a matter of two steps forward and one step back. I finally got…

For Want of 0.1 mm…

I got the printed circuit board for my aquarium light and power controller project from Olimex in Bulgaria yesterday. It looked great! Unfortunately, all of…

PCB Design Software

After struggling to lay out my aquarium controller on a “permanent” prototype board I decided to see if there were some software design packages which…