Redmine, We Hardly Knew Ya

Yesterday I received word from WebFaction, my hosting company, that Redmine was using way more memory than my account limit. After doing some research, apparently…

VirtualBox, Ubuntu and GumStix

My next embedded programming project will involve a single board computer (SBC), rather than a microcontroller. I’ve come across several kinds in my research, but…

Aquarium Controller Windows Interface

Configuring my Arduino aquarium script gets a little tedious when all you have is a serial port monitor in which you read and write bytes.…

Nifty SSL Certificate Service

When I set up this blog, and the Redmine and SVN subdomains, I didn’t realize that I would need a “wildcard” SSL certificate (or multiple…

Hurray for Webfaction!

I moved over to Webfaction a few days ago, mostly because they support Subversion and Redmine (a nifty multi-project alternative to Trac). But I’ve…